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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Worthwhile Important Post ~ a different magic

Come join us October 3rd ........

In Reality much of what is I post is patting myself on the back, theory, tying to get you to think or feel good stuff

But this is something that is big, huge, making a difference in life kind of big

Take a little time to look, watch the video, read for a minute and get to learn and maybe know (a little of) Cormac Murray and his amazing family

So if you can, come out and see us for a good time supporting a great cause

If you can make it you can always become a member of Mac's Team
It's a team worth being on and something you can be proud of

If you read what I writ you now it's not garbage asking for this or that, this is asking for awareness and to make a difference

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Magic goes well and a very lucky magicain

Sorry I haven't posted much but

Everything has been going very well. I've been very lucky

The short time spent with Joanie Spina helped in so many ways. All the things Denny Haney has been so kind as to show, share, point me towards and discuss with me have meant so much and made me a much better performer than I could have ever hoped for

Congratulations are in order as National Booking Agency Gigmasters ...
Ranked magician Illusions by Vick the top Magician for Maryland, Pennsylvania, DC, Virgina, Delaware ...

Rankings are based on client feedback and satisfaction, amount of bookings, fees made from those bookings
Overall I'm ranked second nationally.A lot of work, a lot of fun, I've learned a lot
but most of all I've had the opportunity to share a lot of smiles, fun and great magic
Here's the press release
Illusions by Vick Named top Ranked magician in Maryland, DC, Va and Pennsylvania

While Gigmasters gets a lot of childrens bookings I don't do many if any of them
and the new show is ready
Here's the press release about it
About the New Show ~ Shades of Perception

Again thank you, without an audience to share it with ....... I'm Nothing

and bigger things are coming in October!