Seasons Greetings,
Vick of Illusions by Vick here, sending you my sincere wishes for a most joyous Holiday Season!!!
I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for making 2010 the best year ever for Illusions by Vick!
Whether I performed shows for you or you attended performances, took time to inquire about shows, emailed or called to talk about the art of magic, called with questions about your events and performances or stayed in touch, please accept my most heartfelt gratitude .
Without you the Illusions by Vick show would be nothing, I know that every time I step on stage. You are what makes the show, what motivates and inspires me to create that special world we journey to during the Illusions by Vick show. That unique place where magic happens and is alive and well, even in this crazy and sometimes uncertain world we live in.
Every performance, every person I meet and perform for touches me in some way. You are what inspires and encourages me, what allows me to put all the heart, effort and dedication into every show. Meeting you, speaking with you in email, on the telephone and after performances drives me to create and share the most amazing magical experiences, to give you the best entertainment possible. That's where all the imagination springs from, wanting to create amazing experiences. You are the inspiration and the reason, night after night, week after week and year after year. I couldn't do it without you.
Please pardon me getting a little sappy but after 2010 I really wanted to take the time to say thank you, to let you know how much you and your support means to me and the Illusions by Vick show.
Here's to an even better year in 2011
As you know, I'm always here for you, a call or email away.
Please be well.
All My Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season and an even better and prosperous 2011,
p.s. Special thanks to all the clients who booked Illusions by Vick through the Gigmasters Talent Agency,
you made Illusions by Vick Gigmasters Top Rated Magician in the USA!!