Illusions By Vick's Fan Box

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Words can not adequately express my gratitude, just finished the most amazing and exhausting run of performances. Am in awe of the positive responses from the organizers and guests. Everyone please forgive me as I haven't had the opportunity to send thank you emails but will over the next 2 days.

Everything from an Amazing Rock N Blues festival, a beautiful family birthdays and masters degree celebration, 2 Professor Snape performances, first birthday celebrations, a great Boy Scout Summer Camp Performance, a really, really cool graduation celebration performing as the Mad Hatter (they even changed the date of the party so it would fit my performance schedule and I could be there to perform for them, am so glad they did. I've never experienced a more appreciative audience) , a perfectly planned graduation celebration with wonderful people and I taught a week long magic class at a summer camp (which was a very rewarding and special experience)      

At one point we did 4 shows and one class is 3 days, not unusual until you factor in we drove over 600 miles to be able to do it

What did all these celebration have in common? They were all beautiful, heartfelt expressions of love and admiration. They were all great events! People from all walks of life celebrating meaningful events in their lives. I'm honored they chose Illusions by Vick to be a small part of their special days 

Every time I take the stage I'll give you EVERYTHING I have, every bit of ability, planning and experience and more importantly EVERY BIT OF HEART and imagination to make your special occasion even more memorable and special    

A very special thanks to Christina Vukov!!! I would have NEVER been able to do it without you. I love you sweetheart, thanks for all your help and support 

Am incredibly fortunate to have the career I do, thank you everyone. For your support, believing in me and allowing me to be a small part of the most special moments in your lives.

I promise to keep creating and sharing with you the best, most amazing, imaginative and heartfelt magical entertainment experiences
Thank you again!

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